Support the call for a Federal Minister for Children
Australian Childhood Foundation petition for a minsiter for children.
Join Australian Childhood Foundation in our vision to make a lasting difference for children across Australia. Every child deserves a voice at the highest levels of our government. That’s why we’re petitioning for the appointment of a dedicated Federal Minister for Children. This role is crucial in ensuring the rights, safety, and wellbeing of our children and young people are prioritised. Your signature will advocate for change and ensure that children’s issues are given the attention they deserve.
The ongoing impact of this abuse, violence and neglect is traumatising generations. A recent study commissioned by the National Health and Medical Research Council and the federal government, revealed that 62% of Australians have been abused, neglected, or exposed to family violence as children, and most of those who reported experiencing maltreatment also experienced multiple types. That’s almost two thirds of Australians indicating experiences of maltreatment in childhood.
We need to focus on preventing child harm and include overhauling social and health policies, especially those affecting children.
National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds said the results from this study were a wake-up call.
If this doesn’t trigger urgent action by government to make child wellbeing a national policy priority, then what will?” she asked.
“We are failing children in this country because we’re not making the issues that are important for child wellbeing our national priority.”
We are supporting this petition for a Federal Minister for Children and to ensure children and young people’s rights and needs become a national priority. Australians need to take immediate action to prioritise this petition.
Sign the petition today and be a part of shaping a better future for Australia’s children.
Josephine and Emanuel Mallia 23 hours ago
signed Support the call for a Federal Minister for Children
To give children a dedicated voice in federal decision-making.